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Strategic laddering with share certificates

February 10, 20238分钟阅读

Strategic laddering with share certificates

Strategic laddering with share certificates

A boy climbing a tree house with his father and grandfather

Share certificates, also known as "certificates,这些都是很好的工具,可以用来优化你的储蓄收益. 它们的收益率高于普通储蓄和货币市场账户, 但需要注意的是,资金会被锁定一段时间. Early withdrawals usually result in fees.

然而, 您可以避免资金被锁定带来的一些不便,并通过证书阶梯建立定期的现金流动. 如果你手里有钱,打算在未来几个月到几年内花掉, a certificate ladder may make sense.

Certificate ladders can hold and grow funds for:

  • A project that will be implemented and paid in stages
  • 定期应付的费用和付款,如学费或税款
  • A series of unique financial goals with varying time frames
  • Reliable, supplemental earnings


Planning your ladder strategy

A person reading a book by a window nook

Planning your ladder strategy

There are a few common types of ladder strategies, 但是你可以根据你想要的钱的多少和时间来选择定制你的阶梯, the current and anticipated yields, and your unique goals and timelines.

To get started, ask yourself:

  • What is the purpose of my certificate ladder?
  • When and how often will I need to access my money?
  • How much money will I need at each interval or access point?
  • Am I willing to sacrifice some flexibility for better yields?
  • Am I willing to sacrifice better yields for more flexibility?

Traditional ladders — slow and steady

A couple looking at a laptop on the kitchen counter

Traditional ladders — slow and steady

Traditional ladders take an even-keeled approach, slow and steady to win the race toward long term yields.

首先,把一笔钱等分成不同的存单,存单的到期日间隔相等. 例如,拿5000美元开五张存单,存期间隔一年. 各存一千元,最后一千元存五年存单.

然后, as each certificate matures, reinvest those funds in a new five-year term, 继续这个过程,直到所有账户都设定为5年,并获得理想的最佳收益.

这样,每年就有一部分资金可用一次. This may not offer a lot of flexibility, 但它会给你更多的机会来使用你的钱,并重新评估你的策略,而不是把你所有的资金都直接投到一个五年期的证书上.

Mini ladders — maximum flexibility

Mother and child looking through an oven window

Mini ladders — maximum flexibility

迷你阶梯和传统阶梯的区别在于时间框架. 而不是开期限间隔一年的存单, 小型阶梯存单可以让你开立存单,存单的到期日只相隔几个月.

在大多数情况下, this means your money won’t earn the highest yields, but you’ll have a lot more access to your cash, 而且收益率可能仍然高于大多数储蓄账户.


The barbell ladder — the best of both worlds


The barbell ladder — the best of both worlds

杠铃梯将资金分为长期凭证和短期凭证或迷你梯. 将资金存放在证书期限范围的两端,中间没有任何东西,这就是这个阶梯的名字.

举个例子,你打算把5000美元放在一个传统的梯子上. 如果是杠铃梯,你要花2500美元买一张五年的证书. 下一个, you could put the remaining $2,500 in a single short-term certificate, say one with a 六个月 term, or you could create a mini ladder by placing $625 in 3-month, 六个月, 九个月, and 12-month certificates.

If you have a single short-term certificate, reinvest in another short-term certificate on maturity or, if you chose the mini ladder, continue with new 12-month certificates.

With the barbell ladder, half of your money will be in a long-term account, hopefully earning the best rate, while the other half will be in short-term accounts, giving you frequent access to that portion of your funds.

The custom ladder — your strategy for your money


The custom ladder — your strategy for your money

最终, 这是你的钱和你的储蓄策略,你可以随心所欲地建立你的阶梯. 如果传统的梯子最好用伸缩梯来表示,而迷你梯子最好用踏步梯来表示, 你的梯子最好的代表是一个游乐场的梯子——任何带你向上的梯子都可以工作.

首先想想你是如何回答上面的问题的. Consider your future goals, timelines and why you’re saving. Consider the current market yields. 也许设定等距到期日没有意义. 也许不稳定的7个月或13个月期限收益率太好了,不容错过. 也许短期存单比长期存单有更高的回报,你希望在不久的将来使用这些钱.

只要记住,证书和证书阶梯都是储蓄策略. 他们不会让你变得富有,也不应该给你带来压力. 如果你不愿意把钱锁起来, they might not be right for you. But if you are confident that you can set your money aside, 他们绝对可以为你的整体储蓄目标增加一些动力.

Take your savings to the next level

Earn more on your savings with a WSECU Share Certificate. Choose a term length or make a ladder. The choice is yours.

Step up my savings

